Assignment 3: Creative Book Design- Tutor Feedback and Reflection

Exercise 1: Type samples
You were asked to create a collection of type samples from many sources, choose five and test them in different contexts. Some very good references to Tracy Emin, Jan Tschicold and the woodwork magazine, indicating a preference for sans serif. Sound analysis of Church literature and National Trust. Issues with rivers (Meeting) See links:

  • The links were very helpful and the last one entertaining to watch! The issue with rivers within the newspaper article layout I had designed was discussed and alternative ideas were given, such as changing the sizing of the typeface or the wording itself. Hyphening was also discussed which was interesting and a great help.

Research task 1: The Golden Section
You were asked to research the Golden Section and the use of grids. Excellent research and analysis into artists and designers use of the grid. Have a look at Romek Marber’s work — A Polish graphic designer.

  • I was introduced to Romek Marber’s work during research for a previous task. I love his more tactile approach to typography and design. I will definitely research Marber further and incorporate my findings into future tasks.

Exercise 2: Double page spread
This two-part exercise examined the relationship between typography, the grid and the page. Comprehensive research into 50’s Vogue with good contextualisation. Your layouts broadly work and it was interesting to see experimentation based on Carson and Massimo Vignelli. Readability is a problem, and you should consider trying the text ranged left.

  • The readability issue was discussed during the meeting and I will definitely be implementing the ideas shown within ‘The Futur’ link shown.

    Research task 2: Choosing a typeface
    You were asked to read Derek Birdsall’s Notes on Book Design to prepare for Exercise 3. Walbaum and Van Dijick. A preference for 50’s seems to be emerging.

    Exercise 3: Experimental typography
    This exercise asked you to experiment with a single typeface in an extract from 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea and reflect on the process in your learning log. Excellent response with detailed experimentation of media and process. Development work is expressive, emotive and full of energy — well done!

  • I particularly enjoyed this task and look forward to experimenting with future tasks.

Research task 3: Sourcing images
You were asked to search the OCA/UCA library to practice how to source images. Good research into Dieter Roth and El Lissitzky.

Feedback on Assignment Three: ‘My Little Book of…’
Assignment three asked you to create two 8-page books explaining and exploring the typographic and layout principles you researched in this section. This was an opportunity to focus on how you visually document your creative journey as well as your reflections on what you are producing. References to Emil Ruder, the Swiss school, Bill Woodrow and Cy Twombly, underpinned a highly successful assignment. Good Typography: Solid and playful spreads with strong use of red and black — The are a couple of problems with alignment and setting (meeting). Bad Typography: Really interesting use of layers and the distorted scanned images. The fusion of digital and analogue is very evident. Well Done!


Assignment 4: Creative Book Design- Tutor Feedback and Reflection


Assignment 2: Creative Book Design- Tutor Feedback and Reflection